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Word of The Lord for 5785 Rosh Hashanah

September 22, 2024.

Over the last few days Holy Spirit has been speaking to me about the sobriety of

this time of harvest.

We are midway in the month of Elul; a time of introspection, repentance and

preparation for the high Holy Days of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. It’s a time

for self-reflection, which means an “accounting of the soul”, this is a time to

evaluate one’s actions, behaviors and spiritual state.

During the month of Elul, the King comes to meet His Harvesters in the field and

those who have judged themselves will move forward into Glory. They will do the

exploits because they know their God. We may be slung into new realms of

destiny if we are prepared. If not, we may miss the opportunity altogether or

have to wait until we’ve made ourselves ready.

The Word of God speaks of mature believers likened to wheat and the gathering

of the Lord’s Harvest. Please keep in mind the following parallels in mind as it

pertains to agriculture.

There are three components of the harvest season: 1) reaping: The wheat stalks

are cut. 2) Threshing: the edible part of the grain is separated from the husks and

straw. This is done by breaking and rubbing the stalks in a large drum with teeth

with great force and agitation, or beating them. 3) Winnowing: The chaff is

separated from the edible grain by tossing it in the air against a strong wind.

When the process is complete, God is left only with what is “good and useful”.

The best seed always produces the best crops. After the shaking, you’ll see who

the true believers are because they will operate in power, authority and humility.

Almost everyone I know has undergone MAJOR SHAKING, SHIFTING and

REALIGNMENT. Some have been stripped of relationships, health or finances in

the shaking and there’s yet more to come.

This is not a time for business as usual with God. Be sincere and humble yourself

before Him and He will direct us.

Prophet Virginia Ayers

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