Apostolic & Prophetic
Training Institute:
Higher Perspective Word Value!
Prophetic Word of The Lord
Warning: The Last Days...
Word of The Lord, 2/22/23
The last days will be tremulous- trying times especially for The Church.
As many shields of The Living Jesus must come down. Life as we know it will be changed, completely different. As the new world order and the Antichrist come on the scene. Make your calling and election sure. The Spirit is groaning and moaning making intercession for the manifestation of the true sons of God to rise up and take their place in victory. My anointed ones will take their place as the Church must be about My business, kingdom business like never before. Assignments are being released; posts are being filled. My Church will be a glorious church in these latter days. The Word of The Lord will be fresh will be new will be delivered in great promise and might. Many will be saved, and many will be lost. Angelic forces will rage war in the heavenlies against the kingdom of darkness and prevail. The war is on says The Lord! And it will be won says God! Not by might not by power, but by My Spirit says The Living God.
The Word of The Lord for 2023
The Word of The Lord for 2023
September 14, 2023
Rosh Hashanah
Because of your faithfulness with little I will make you ruler over much says The Lord. The plans I have for you are good and not of evil, and I have an expected end for you – my plans, the plans I have for you will prosper says God. Do you not see it do you not perceive it says The Lord? Walk in my percepts, obey My Word, lean not on your own understanding, but that which is and will be and is being revealed to you by My Spirit says the Spirt of the Living God.
March 22, 2023
Run your race prophet!
God made you tough as nails. He says this race is a marathon, so do not be in a hurry. You cannot sprint it the whole distance but must have a strategy to attack and prevail. Just as fine wine must germinate for a long period of time, so must you also go through My process of refinement to come forth like a diamond. I have ordered your every step, to mold you into the vessel of honor that I can use. Remain steadfast, focused on the prize. Stand firm and you will overcome every obstacle, passing every test. Remain humble, and I will place glory and honor and power upon you, My child. No one or nothing will be able to pluck you from My Hand says The Spirit of The Living God.
March 20, 2023
Calling all seers!
I have removed the scales from your eyes to cause you to see in the spirit with accuracy. See The Word of The Lord and prophecy!
Open your mouth and speak thus saith The Lord. Open your mouth and I will fill it, says The Lord. Sweet as honey, pure as vapor from the dew that is released before the outpouring of rain, so shall your words flow from your innermost being. Yeah, like rivers, rivers of living water to feed a dry and thirsty soul. Words that will penetrate the Hearts of men, words that will bring about deliverance, words that will destroy the yoke of the enemy. Drink, drink, drink - let Me refresh you, let Me renew your soul. Let Me mold you into that vessel that I can use says God, and you will be authentic and relevant in the days in which you are living and that are coming. Trying times, hard times will require a Word from the Lord like never before. So, rise up, rise up, stand tall and see The Word of The Lord, says The Spirit of The Living God.
Word of The Lord
March 12, 2023
The devil is trying to snuff out the very breath of life of the prophetic voices, sift you like wheat!
Be on alert! If he can take your air, breath, lifeline for existing here on earth, he can remove you and your call. Hearing and speaking is the very thing that the prophet is created to do. Hear what The Spirit of The Lord is saying and release it to the Body of Christ.
You are the spokesperson for the Body, you are the mouth, the very breath of life. You must purify yourself, spirit, soul, and body so that any impurity or attack can be withstood and annihilated by My presence on you, in you and with you. It will fall off like water from a duck back. It will not affect you or overtake you because it will be warded off and destroyed. Spoken words against you will fall to the ground and be of no effect. Sickness and disease cannot penetrate the wall I have placed around you. The angelic host will fight your battles, and you will come out smelling like roses for the victory is yours says The Lord. Stay alert, remain vigilant- listen to My Voice and you will be victorious says The Spirit of The Living God.
God is saying 2023 is not only a New Year, but also a New Day!
Cannot take the old into the new year. I am doing a new thing says God. I am doing a new thing in you. Old things have passed away - behold all things have become new, new year, new day, new season, new you!
Isaiah 43: 19
Get rid of the old things that have not developed and rooted and produced fruit. That has held you back, like a dead weight! You cannot step into the new you if you are still carrying old baggage. You cannot put new wine into old wineskins. Leave the old in last year.
You cannot take it into the new year that has emerged.
The shift or transition that began in 2020 is now in full swing spiritually, and it is time for the manifestation of the natural realm. Do not be caught wavering in indecisiveness. I have spoken to you through my Word, through the mouths of my prophets to be sober and diligent as your redemption has drawn nigh. The time clock has started so be ready, be in position know that it is I your God who is in control no matter what you see to the left or right. Keep your eyes focused on me says The Lord. Find your place in me Says God!
Righteousness cannot dwell with unrighteousness.
Sin is being exposed. Judgment and punishment is being released.
We must reflect righteousness and the glory of The Lord.
We see through a mirror – dimly…
1 Corinthians 13: 9-10
9 For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. 10 But when that which is perfect (complete) has come,
then that which is in part will be done away.
**FOR WE KNOW IN PART 1 Cor. 8: 2-3
2 And if anyone thinks that he knows anything, he knows nothing yet as he ought to know. 3 But if anyone loves God, this one is known by Him.
1 Cor. 13: 12 2
And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.
1 Corinthians 13: 11-13
11 When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. 12 For now we see in a mirror (glass), dimly (darkly), but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known.
13 And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.
Philippians 3: 12 12 Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me.
1 John 3: 2-3 2 Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is. 3 And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure.
Judgement begins in the house of The Lord.
Beware of false prophets, judge the Word that comes out of the mouth of man.
Be vigilant! The truth is NOT deception, but FACTS can be!!
Get rid of the idols!
An idol is anything that you put before The Lord.
It is something you have or do that you subconsciously worship. It is a god to you, to your soul, to your flesh.
Examine yourself, what idols are you idolizing. Is it person, thing, idea, etc.
My Word says you are to have no gods before me, and you are to cast down every imagination that exalts itself before God.
We are His workmanship, and we belong to Him. Not part of you, He wants all of you!
Examine yourself!
What is in your heart?
Does He have all of you?
Prophetic Word of The Lord
The Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) The Holiest Day of the Year
Ask God for Forgiveness of Sin
The Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) The Holiest Day of the Year
Ask God for Forgiveness of Sin
October 5, 2022
I was attacked by demon spirits in my sleep. I saw them as one tall demon dressed in a black cloak. When the cloak fell off, I saw 3 separate hideous looking spirits. They were tormenting me. I had people praying for me for deliverance to cast them out. But it was only on the surface as if they were attacking the fruit and, not dealing with the root or the strongman. One of the demons was pride of life (The spirit of pride is dangerous. It is a deceptive spirit that creeps into the hearts of men making them think that their material physical attributes or their intellect make them more important than others. A prideful spirit chokes the life from others to exalt itself), the other was the spirit of heaviness (The spirit of oppression is also called the spirit of heaviness. This spirit promotes discouragement, unworthiness, sickness, suicide, addiction, and fear. This spirit also puts a person in bondage with demonic oppression), the 3rd one was lust of the flesh (The dictionary definition of lust is "1) intense or unrestrained sexual craving, or 2) an overwhelming desire or craving.". The Bible speaks of lust in several ways. Exodus 20:14, (NLT), "Do not commit adultery). After doing everything to cast them out, nothing worked. Then I woke up. I heard Holy Spirit say you do not have to work that hard! Just speak My Word, and they must obey, they must flee!
1 John 2: 16
16 For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world.
My church is walking around in the wilderness (spiritual wilderness inside). With demonic oppression, pride, lust and all manner of secret sin. They are blinded to the devil’s schemes and apathetic in their response. Wake up wake up wake up! Stop being tormented by demonic opposition and forces that are controlling you. Are you not the redeemed of The Lord, are you not the righteousness in Christ Jesus? I did not save you to live a life of failure and torment, but to be free from every demon that once held you bound. Get up, rise, and be My victorious church, My glorious church says The Lord.
More warfare- we do not fight with flesh and blood but spiritual wickedness in high places.
Ephesians 6: 12 NKJV
12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of [c]the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
James 4: 7
7 Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
Rosh Hashanah 2022 Biblical New Year
Rosh Hashanah 2022 Biblical New Year
Trifecta - 9/25/22
As we celebrate a New Year on the Hebraic Calendar – 5783 A new Shemitah cycle. Head of the year, and New beginnings.
The Lord is saying watch and see the Trifecta take place and unfold. I will begin to release my glory, my anointing, and my power in 3-fold manifestation and presence like no other time says The Lord. Just as the sons of Issachar had understanding of the times and season, and what to do, so shall my prophets and my prophetic people. This is the season of fulfillment of the prophecy spoken by My prophet Joel. Did I not say it? Will I not do it? Says The Lord. Look, see, and be ready to receive this fresh outpouring of My Spirit to do exploits and to perform My Word says God. It’s a new day it’s a new season embrace it! This is not the time to wonder in the wilderness this is not the time to ask what is going on or where is God! This is the time to wake up and cooperate with Me says The Spirit of The Living God.
Where is The Word of The Lord?
Where is The Word of The Lord?
September 5, 2022
Where is The Word of The Lord?
Did I not say that in the last days I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh and that My sons and daughters will prophecy?
Where is The Word of The Lord, where are My Prophets? Where are My Prophesiers? I am looking throughout the earth for yielded vessels to receive My Word, to release My Word to steward My Word but, I have not found you. Will you not heed My instructions says The Lord. Am I not a man that will lie. I am The Almighty, The First and The Last, The Only God, The Only True Ruler if this age and the age to come. I hasten to hear My Word so that I may perform it. Do you not know it? Oh, little ones of little faith. Unclog your pipes and let Me in, unclog your pipes so you can hear, unclog your pipes and let Me speak through you says The Lord. There is little time left and you must be about My business. My Word must go forth and be released in the land for My plans and purposes to be revealed and fulfilled through you says God.
The most beautiful thing in the whole world became the ugliest and most deadly thing - 8/28/22, 6-7 a.m.
Coveting someone else’s life, things, possessions is sin! Worshipping idols is sin! I will have no other Gods before Me says God. I am The Alpha and The Omega; I am The Only God. Time was not — and I made it. JOB 38: 4 …where were you when I created the foundations of the earth? Everything you see is not eternal but temporal. The realm of the spirit is eternal. Seek these things: eternal life, goodness, peace, and happiness and, I will give them to you. Wanting the things of this world: fame, money and glory is death. My ways are higher My thoughts are higher there is no logic in My kingdom - it is eternal life. Come out of the old you and embrace the new you by My Spirit.
Life in My Spirit is abundance there is no lack, there is no need to covet what others have because you already possess it. Put this mind in you that was in Christ Jesus you must have the mind of Christ. Think on these things and you will prosper think on these things and you will live in victory, think on these things and you will have My joy. Seek the kingdom of God and all these things will be given to you says The Lord.
Walk in My Spirit and, you will kill the desires of your flesh, and the lust of this world. Live in the higher realm of reasoning and thought, where wisdom is your guide and your portion, says The Lord. My yoke is easy, and My burden is light. My Peace will be your inner compass My Spirit will be your gps. My peace I give you My little ones, so rise-up and walk in victory, rise-up and embrace your destiny, we rise-up and fulfill your purpose says The Spirit. The decisions you make today will affect your tomorrow, the decisions you make affect you, and affect your family for eternity. Today is the day of salvation says The Lord do it today because tomorrow is not promised says The God.
Rest – 8/28/22, noon
Rest in Me My child. Learn of Me, learn of My ways and you will know My will. In this new place you will be elevated to a new level of consciousness and awareness of My Spirit. You will customize and control the level of anointing upon and within you says The Lord. Amp up the power and dwell in My presence. Learn of Me through the manifestation of My goodness and favor. Receive this supernatural rest in My Spirit says God. You will receive strength, and you will bask in My love. In this place is fullness of joy in this place is protection forevermore in this place is deliverance in this place is rest for your weary souls. Ask of Me and I will give of Me, ask of Me and, you will know Me.
Matthew 11: 29-30
29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am [f]gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”
Unusual UFO Sighting
Unusual UFO Sighting
July 12, 2022, 8:56 p.m.
Driving and going east and saw ahead of us in the sky several circular objects. At first, I thought they were birds, but as we got closer, they were moving in a circular motion and were hovering over the area. There were at least 5, 6, 7 of them, about 10 inches in diameter, spinning in unison.
We pulled over to take a closer look and take pictures.
As we looked out of our camera, you COULD NOT see them through the lens of the camera, but they were in the sky!
I clicked and took pictures anyway.
After looking at the pictures we could see these objects in the picture. They were very strange looking, have no idea with they were.
Were they spaceships? Chariots? Only God knows! The strangest thing was that nobody else driving by seemed to be able to see them. I think God opened our eyes to see them.
The next morning, I drove the same way, and there was a car wreck in that intersection where we had the sighting. I looked above that area and saw an object that was gray looked like an airplane but was too small for a plane, and too large for a drone. I noticed that the tips or ends of the wings were pointing upward.
Then instantly it disappeared, before I could get my phone to take a picture. I took it anyway, and after checking my phone, there were the same shapes in the picture as the ones we saw the night before.
God Is Doing Spring Cleaning In July
God Is Doing Spring Cleaning In July
July 8, 2022
I am cleaning up my church, I am separating the wheat from the tares because it will soon be harvest time. Only I know who the tares are, and I want them out now! They are growing up tall so I can see them they are in disguise, but I know their names. I am calling them out one by one so that My Church can expand so My Church will be ready to reap the harvest says The Lord. The harvest is plenty, but the laborers are few. I am hand picking My soldiers and preparing My army for battle as the weapons of your warfare are not carnal, but mighty in the pulling down of strongholds. They must come down, and they will come down. They will obey The Voice of The Lord as I send forth My prophets and My angel army to rise above all principalities in the heavenlies and princess in their high places. So be alert, be sober, be vigilant because your adversary the devil is roaring like a lion, roaming, and seeking to and fro for those he can devour, and he will devour them says The Lord. My solders must not break rank. So, know your place, know your enemies, and his strategies so you will not be a casualty of war or a spoil or pawn in his hand. His time is short as My great army expands and marches across this earth in victory says God. Oh, death where is your sting, or grave where is your victory?
Where are My Watchman, are you watching are you on alert? Are you ready? This is the time to be on your post to warn and protect My people. Awake, awake and hear what The Spirit of The Lord is saying. I am giving out assignment’s new mandates new instructions, new orders, and even new post. Not like the old. But new strategies because the old ones will not work on the onslaught that the devil is planning. Awake and hear, awake and listen, awake receive your instructions says the Lord because I will feed them to you day by day just as I feed the sparrow says The Lord. Be ready, girded up clothed and dressed as a true warrior and let’s go get what belongs to us. Let’s go get our stuff. Let’s go collect the bounty and reap My harvest says...
The Spirit of The Living God
Change is Coming
Change is Coming
May 18, 2022
I Saw a red notebook - could not make out title or the lettering.
It was huge. I also saw lots of papers, and pages all over the place on this huge desk.
Women in a supermarket stocking up on food items. Their baskets were full to overflowing. A shortage of food is imminent.
Change is Coming!!! Luke 17: 20-37
Luke 17:26 contains a parallel account: “And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all”.
As in the days of Noah people will be going about their daily routine of work and play. They have no idea what is being planned in the dark room, evil deeds of man being devised behind deceptive Demons. While the people go to and fro without notice or warning. Then suddenly it happens, all hell breaks loose, increase in violence and tragedy.
People running to and fro trying to find a place to hide trying to find a place to take cover. Scarcity on all sides, old people dying, young people dying. Looking for answers to this sudden attack and destruction. No more peace and safety as the walls have been removed and the enemy is executing his plans to destroy the world, to destroy mankind, to destroy America. Where will you go? Where can you go says The Lord, when they say peace and safety do not believe the lie. RUN! Seek My face, I am the way, I am the only way.
“I am the Way, I am the Truth, and I am the Life. No one comes unto The Father, but by me (except through union with me). John 14: 6
If you want to escape this soon coming event repent, repent, repent because the kingdom of God is at hand!
The Prodigals
The Prodigals
April 13, 2022
Dreamed we were at a store shopping, not sure where but not a familiar mall. There was a woman with me and a child. I do not know who they were. As we were looking around, and not paying attention to the child, they disappeared! I was frantic!!!
Note: The word frantic means to be distraught with fear, anxiety, pain stricken, worry, distress, in a hurried, excited, and chaotic way, typically because of the need to act quickly.
I continued yelling, shouting, searching, and calling his name.
Then God interrupted my dream and said…
“This is how I feel when one of My children drifts away from Me and disappear from My presence.”
He will call them by name searching for them, “Johnnie where are you?”
Searching high and low for him. Heart beating fast from worry, exhausted from running to and fro looking everywhere calling out your name: “Johnnie, Johnnie, Johnnie where are you?” Worried, whether you will be found, worried whether you will answer His call. But He keeps pursuing. The longer you are gone the stronger the feelings become. God says, “the longer you are away the deeper My love for you grows. Where are you Johnnie, where are you My son or My daughter”. All along He knows where you are, waiting patiently for your return, frantically for your response, earnestly for your reply and, the return of your love. Like a mother hen, counting every chick, “My eyes go to and fro searching for all those who belong to Me and who have lost their way. My prodigals!
Won’t you answer the call, won’t you please come home My beloved before it is too late and the door closes.”
The last thing The Lord said was this is the way it will be at the time of His Coming in the Rapture of His Church.
2021 Word of The Lord
2021 Word of The Lord
December 5, 2021
Portals everywhere openings in the heavenlies strange manifestations visitations. God communicating to us with signs and wonders. Planets coming close in our atmosphere. Strange beings, spaceships, chariots!
People were running to and fro in fear. Those of us who were not afraid knew it was God letting us know He is always with us. Visual signs of what is and always been there. They would appear and hover over then poof gone. The moon, or was it earth it was a planet circular turning moving closer and closer in the sky as if you could reach out and touch it. Just hanging there then poof it was gone.
God said we are in a bubble. He said there is an active real world that exist outside time outside our stratosphere.
It is pressing in on us because time will one day be swallowed up in eternity.
2 Cor 4: 7-10
For you all know the truth and will not be deceived as Satan too will appear as an angel of light.
Satan Where is your sting-where is your victory.
Faith without works is dead. You are faithless if you embrace fear. Fear not because i am with you even until the end of the world.
Faithfulness will be rewarded says The Lord!
Walk In The Spirit...
Walk In The Spirit...
November 22, 2021
Walk in the spirit and you will not fulfil the works of the flesh. Who will you serve- God or manna?
The world is waiting on the manifestation of the TRUE sons and daughters to manifest.
Only God knows the condition of the heart (spirit) yield to My spirit so I can deal with yours.
Beware and stay clear of those who say I have all the answers because no man on earth has all the answers. You know in part, and you see in part.
Only God, it is I who has all the answers.
Desire the pure milk of My Word. My yoke is easy, and my burden is light. Lean on me, and I will give you rest for your weary soul.
I prophecy increase, I prophecy abundance i prophecy prosperity!
Learn of Me, walk with me and I will show you the way, I will show you things to come says The Spirit of The Living God.
Many have fallen, and many more will fall because they don't know Me and they don't know My Word.
The Lord says I got you, I will not let you fall. Believe my servant the prophet and you will prosper.
This is the season of giving; give Me you says The Lord!
Rewind...please revisit The Word of The Lord Received 11/30/2020
Rewind...please revisit The Word of The Lord Received 11/30/2020
2021 Part 2 of the Global Reset that began in Nov 2019 and Part 1 in 2020 - 2021 is The Year of Recovery!
The realignment has begun; all key players and pieces are in place. I am pouring out My Spirit on all flesh this is the fulfillment and manifestation of Joel 2. This outpouring is to embark on the revival that My people are crying out for and need in order to find their place in the puzzle of My plan.
Nation will rise against nation during this season like never before.
Soviet Union will invade the middle east to force their will and overturn the status quo with a coup (a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government.) – Daniel 2 (i saw the statue image in book of Daniel), then God said, Iran, Turkey, and Israel will be at war the Eze 38 war is developing and is arising on the horizon.
I see foot soldiers China marching on the land - hidden behind it are the old Nazi regimen i saw their emblem – the swastika.
I see rockets falling like rain.
The reset had to happen in order to shift the players, and even the atmosphere for these events to unfold.
The election, pandemic, protest all a part of My divine reset to separate the army of The Lord to promote My generals and assign the foot soldiers to empower My true church. To separate the real from the disdain. To release my gifts unto men. I see the valley of dry bones becoming The True Army of The Lord. Iron curtain – Just as I caused it to come down, I will cause the wall that separates my church to come down so the world will see the true manifestation of the sons of god. We must be equipped, we must not break rank, we must know our assignment. If you miss your day of visitation, you will not move in step with Me and My army says God.
Accept My generals who I have sent to adjust and align you says The Lord so you will not miss your day of visitation says The Spirit of The Living God.
Pluto is above Saturn in the constellation - the red blood moon (NEXT ONE WILL BE 5/16) means there will be a huge shift in the atmospheric pressure resulting in strange weather patterns. Son of man prophesy to the elements, prophecy to the church, prophecy to the nations the war is on, the war is imminent. Russia will paint the walls of the city with innocent blood. Men, women and children are crying out for refuge, nowhere to go, nowhere to hide. Innocent blood crying out for revenge while the world watches in astonishment. Prophecy: and I will avenge thee says The Lord cry out. Intercede pray, pray, pray says God for a quick end to this violent attack against my people says The Spirit of The Living God!
A Constellation is a group of stars forming a recognizable pattern that is traditionally named after its apparent form or identified with a mythological figure. Modern astronomers divide the sky into eighty-eight constellations with defined boundaries.
Don's Miss Your Day of Visitation
Don's Miss Your Day of Visitation
January 24, 2022
Do Not Miss Your Day of Visitation – (An Open vision in a dream.)
We were outside going somewhere when I saw an opening in the clouds. The sky was a med blue. Then a light formed, and an object came out of the opening it was spinning, a huge white cube. It then burst open into a huge movie screen. It took up the entire sky, it was so close to us. Then a movie began to play. It was a scene from one of those left behind movies. People were scattering, some were running to and fro. Then there were those who just stood and watched it. I tried to watch but I was so overwhelmed all I could do was cry and pray. Asking God to forgive our sins and to save us. Some of the people did not believe it was from God. They thought man was behind this phenomenon, but it was God appearing to His people warning them/us of the judgement to come. It was so real- events like this one will continue to occur and increase in frequency as we move closer to that day and hour says The Lord.
God is going to lead us more by His Spirit in every area of our life as deception will grow greater. Be in tune be connected be hooked up and pay attention. I am in the soft nudges, gentle knowing, and the feelings of uneasiness. Be aware if no peace- then be still. Surrender the doubt of not knowing to me so that I can lead you says The Lord. I will lead you with My peace!
DECEPTION AND DOUBT – in Matthew 28: 17 when the disciples went to the mountain to meet Jesus, many doubt it was really Him.
January 22, 2022
Do Not Miss Your Day of Visitation – (A Dream)
Dream we were getting ready to go to the movies we were so excited. I asked what time it starts. My husband said the one that is showing now started at 4:30 pm it was maybe 7 pm or 7:30 pm. So, I wanted to know what time does the one start that we are going to see, and he did not know. So, I got the phone to call and check. It was about to start at 7:50 pm. I was so disappointed because we were not going to make it. I said, I know it has been a while since we went to a movie. But we always knew the time so we could leave at least 30 minutes before it started. I remember this woman was going with us or we were going with her she was dressed in all white. She too was busy trying to get ready to go, dealing with little things around the house, and fussing with her kids, but she too missed the movie.
The Lord is giving us warnings (Dress Rehearsals) that, this is how the rapture will be, as in the days of Noah. He says be watchful of the time, the hour we are in as our redemption is drawing nigh!
2022 Is All About You!
2022 Is All About You!
December 30, 2021
1.2022 is going to take Strategy: Proverbs 19: 20.
We must have a plan!
WARNING: Picture yourself in the car at the wheel!
A woman from a foreign country was having difficulties driving in the US. She kept driving on the wrong side, the left side of the street into oncoming traffic (on 2-way street). She grew frustrated and got fed up! She traded her car for a motorcycle in hopes she could drive on right side of the road (our right side, and her wrong side of the road). As she rode her motorcycle, her vision was clear on both the right side and the left side. She began to use her peripheral vision more to navigate her surroundings. The more she practiced driving her motorcycle, the more comfortable she was. The more comfortable she became, the more faith and success she experienced.
We too must seek The Lord and listen to His direction – Divine direction and wisdom.
2.She Obtained Clear Vision: Habakkuk 2: 1-3; and Proverbs 29: 18.
This is what we must do when our vision is impaired or off, and we CANNOT see where we are going or where God is leading us. Improvise – use what you have, see with your spiritual eyes, see what you hear in the spirit! And expect the unexpected! Put on new eyes to see clearer. We must see from a different perspective, a higher perspective, God's perspective; to remind us that we are on the right road or path even if it is hard to see, cloudy, and difficult to navigate. The more we move out in faith the more comfortable we become, the more we allow Holy Spirit to lead us, our faith will increase, God's grace sustains us, and our growth, success, and accomplishments will materialize and be visualized. Greater works will you do says The Lord!
Write it down.
Yes! 2021 was a very challenging year, much change occurred during difficult times, and more challenging, difficult times are ahead. Don't be alarmed – says God!
3. 2022 is going to take Tenacity (Single mindedness and determination), Perseverance (persistence, staying power), and Patience (the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset. DON’T get ahead of God!): Ephesians 6: 12-20; Philippians 3: 13-15; and Colossians 3: 1-4
Because of the New Era or Season, we are in, it requires new things to happen and take place. We cannot take PAST hurts, disappointments, and successes into the next level or place in God. God cannot put new wine into old wineskins!!!
What is happening in the natural is also happening in the spirit.
A metamorphosis must take place on the inside of you. A pruning, transformation! STAY IN THE WORD BECAUSE THE WORD IS WHAT PRODUCES TRANSFORMATION OF YOUR SOUL! There must be CHANGE! The new you is being birthed and revealed for this New Era – which began in 2020. The old you will not survive in this season, this place in Me says the Lord. Just as the seasons change for a purpose, so must you change for your purpose to be revealed and fulfilled. Romans 12: 1-2; Ephesians 5: 25-27.
2022 will be a year of manifestation of the changes you are experiencing now and will experience in the future. 2022 is a season of promotion, and at the same time, a wilderness experience to humble you and sustain this elevation and promotion to Show Forth My Glory!
We are in a war we must act like it. We must live from the 3rd heavens, not from the earthly realm!
4.You must have Faith and Total Trust in Me says GOD: Deuteronomy 31:6; and
Deuteronomy 32:1-4.
The wilderness is a place of trial, testing, battle, and preparation. You must face your enemies, all the schisms and hindrances inside of you. It is called the wilderness because of the uncharted territory you must possess. YES, you will feel alone but You are not alone, I am with you every step of the way until the end to sustain you and ensure your victory! After you reach your destination, place of promotion, increase, fresh anointing, favor, power, and prosperity is waiting on you and, will be poured out upon you says The Lord!
He will never leave you nor forsake you!!! Do Not give up, Do Not give in!!!
5.2022 is going to take a Pioneering Spirit:
An individual with a pioneering spirit does something that has not been done before. One who goes before, as into the wilderness, preparing the way for others to follow. A person or other entity who is first or among the earliest in any field of inquiry, enterprise, or progress.
Psalm 34: 19.
Get ready, get ready, get ready says God, and do not let this opportune time, this moed, this appointed time pass you by – says The Spirit of The Living God!
Endure like a good soldier! Remember we win!!!
As we cross-over into 2022 remember it is going to require Strategy (Divine Wisdom), Keen Vision and Insight, Tenacity, Perseverance, Patience, and a Pioneering Spirit to navigate the obstacles and challenges to manifest and behold The Glory of The Lord!
Like Jacob did when He held on to the Lord and told Him I am not letting you go until you bless me!!!
Dark Days Are Coming...
Dark Days Are Coming...
November 11, 2021
Dreamed that the world as we know it was ending. I saw these things before they happened. Then they did without warning. It was like i was in it, but only to observe what was taking place. I saw first the sky go grossly dark, then huge storm clouds appeared. First it was really quiet and still like a storm was approaching. And then the wind started to blow, and to blow and to blow. The house began to shake as it being picked up and lifted from its foundation. Then we all ran to find coverage more like a place to hide. Then we heard the rain it was loud and scary like we were in the ocean. We went to the basement to take cover. This lasted seemed like forever but only 10-15 minutes. Then it stopped.
We went upstairs to look outside. The street was gone, there was mud and trees upheaved up to the height of the windows. Cars were everywhere debris everywhere. There was no way to leave. I heard The Lord say it is I who have allowed this tsunami. It is I who is in control of all things. So, i was at peace at the sound of His Voice and The Words He spoke. People in the area were frazzled, running to and fro in despair. After awhile, the sky was clear and sun shining brightly - then a voice called out Now I will show you who I Am - the sky was full of happiness, rainbow, beautiful colors, and many different objects, toys, angels, an array or smorgasbord of stuff! It was like we were lifted up from the earth and taken to this heavenly place in heaven. It was a new place!
Word of The Lord - Interpretation (Received after I woke up and transcribed the dream):
Dark days are coming my children but know i am in full control. These things must come to pass in order for time to realize the soon return of My Son. He is anxiously waiting to receive His Bride and I am anxiously watching My Word to come to pass. So, fret not, remain alert, and steadfast in My Word. Know that your redemption draws nigh, comfort one another with these words says The Spirit of The Living God.
October 1, 2021
Just as a baby grows in the natural you must grow in the spirit.
Stage by stage day by day I put in you what you are to be, in your spirit, and you will grow, and develop into a full grown you. And in the opportune time, you will be fully developed, and released to be, and do what I created you to be.
Right before your very eyes, I see My creation My son My daughter My image of you, My child.
Just like an artist creating his masterpiece, I create Mine in you, I create you in Me. So do not despise small beginnings says The Lord it is how I planned it in stages, in phases until you are ready to fly like a butterfly. Soaring like an eagle, and ready to rule in My Kingdom says The Lord.
You are seared/sealed. Like juices are seared in a steak, with Holy Spirit of promise My promise, My covenant to never leave you or forsake you. Says The Spirit of The Living God.
September 11 2021
10-year Anniversary of the worst terrorist attack on America the land of the free!
Satan sits at the highest position in the demonic realm.
Satan your adversary walks around seeking who he can devour. Like a wolf tracking and hunting down his prey.
He is not your friend and, he does not play.
He will attack you and come through any open door you have opened.
You must be holy and stand upright. Stay in your position.
Know The Word study The Word quote The Word and use The Word along with your other weapons of warfare.
God says Our weapons are not carnal but mighty to the pulling down of strongholds.
His attacks (Satan's) are in your mind - but if you have The Mind of Christ, he will have no right or authority to have foothold in your life.
Be vigilant as he is vigilant. Vigilant means to be ---determined, to be steadfast, and always discerning.
Your voice and your words are mighty weapons. They can close doors and open doors. Watch what you say and profess because you will get and have what you say.
Stay in the word keep your mind on things above. Be watchful and pray.
His days Satan your adversary's days are number. He has but a short time to weaken MY kingdom and build his army.
His clock will begin ticking at the beginning of the Tribulation and end at the millennial reign of My Son.
Prophecy will be fulfilled; the end will come My Word will not return to Me void it will do what I say it will do. It will perform what I tell it to perform it will accomplish what I want it to accomplish then the end will come says The Lord.
REPENT, REPENT, REPENT – because The Kingdom is God is here in our midst. Just as John the Baptist prepared the way for the Lord, we too must prepare our hearts for His soon coming return.
Daniel's 70th Week
Daniel's 70th Week
WORD OF THE LORD…came to me on June 10, 2021 saying, “We have entered the 70th week spoken by Daniel the prophet. It is upon us and unfolding. The players are in alignment and can be seen just as the circle of fire surrounding the moon can be seen from all over the world. They have encircled and camped about My promised land ready to entreat on My chosen people.” (Ezekiel 38: 5 Persia (Iran), Cush (Ethiopia), and Put (Libya, N. Africa) with them, all of them with shield and helmet; 6 Gomer (Germany) and all its troops; Beth-togarmah (Turkey) from the remote parts of the north and all its troops—many peoples with you). “Watch, look, hear, and listen to what My Spirit is saying to the church in this day and hour. Stay alert to know what you must do to be in your place in your position as the future unfolds before your very eyes.”
The Winds of Change Are Blowing
The Winds of Change Are Blowing
June 1, 2021
The winds of change are blowing, you want to go that way, you want to go this way, but My Spirit will take you My way, The way says The Lord!
I am blowing and pouring and releasing out My Spirit for signs, wonders, and miracle to be released and manifested in this day and in this hour says the Lord.
Yes! This is the day and this is the hour - yes this is that which Prophet Joel prophesied in days of Old that I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh I am not a man that I should lie. My word must be fulfilled my word must not return void. My Son is coming, and He is coming soon! So, shake yourself and behold My Glory behold the coming of The Lord.
We are at MILE MARKER 59
It is 1 minute to the day when you will see the sons and daughters rise and take their rightful places in the earth realm, and positions in Me says God! This is My eleventh hour, and the Bride has made herself ready.
Study to Show Yourself Approved
Study to Show Yourself Approved
May 13, 2021
You ought to be eating meat. I give you small bites, so you do not choke. You ought to be teachers and not doers only.
(2 Tim. 2: 15).
15 Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
You say you want to go deeper yet; you are not a student of My Word. Deeper understanding requires higher thoughts. Revelation and My enlightenment comes through study and your time with Me. Or are you satisfied with your name being in the Book of Life?
My call requires commitment My call requires dedication My call requires sacrifice My call requires you to give up everything. Let Me consume you with My fire My glory says The Lord. Are you ready, Do you want it? I will train you I will mold you I will visit you and give you what you need to be happy and fulfilled says The Lord. So, stop playing games stop procrastinating and get back in the boat and do what I have predestined you to do and to be says God.
I Made You An Original!
I Made You An Original!
May 5, 2021
You are an original! You cannot fulfill another man’s call because, you do not have his gifts and talents to do so. You are only moving in the flesh not producing fruit or spiritual growth. Wandering around going in circles because you do not have my plan says the Lord! You have not consulted Me, says God!
Wake up! Get on the path that I have chosen for you!
My plan, my way, my direction, my will, will be revealed to you one step of obedience, at a time. Only then will you clearly see what I am doing in your life, and where I am taking you.
They are not going where you are going, so stop following the crowd! You must leave father, mother, sister, brother, and even spouses, churches and jobs to follow me and fulfill the plan I have for you. You must be around those with like faith and calling says The Lord!
Yes! It is a new day it is a new season for you. I will bring a refreshing to you so that you will stand firm in My strength and in My glory!
You are not the same, you are unique, you are an original. I do not make mistakes; I am perfect in all My ways; thus, you are perfect in My Eyes says The Lord! So, stay on the path, follow the plan, let me lead, and you will know my plan, and direction.
Yes! It is a new place, a new place in Me, and a new place in My Spirit says the Lord. So be strong, be courageous, be steadfast, and determined to fulfill the call.
I will send destiny helpers to minister to you to mentor you and help you! So, embrace the call! Do not let others bring distractions or discouragements – do not let them get you off the path, they are destiny stealers sent by the enemy to block where I am taking you. Beware, beware I say, embrace the path before you says the Spirit of The Living God!
It is Time to Level Up!
It is Time to Level Up!
March 31, 2021
God says to expect the unexpected! He says, it is time to get your house in order! Deal with the barriers, the distractions that prevent you from clearly seeing the vision of the plan I have for you! Get rid of toxic relationships and be open to new ones. They do not support your vision, because they lack vision. I am the giver of the vision it is I who will send destiny helpers to help you fulfill your purpose. People from your past may show up, so be aware, be discerning, be careful about reconnecting past relationships. Miracles will not flow through you or to you if you do not get rid of the dead weight you carry in your spirit. The weight you carry is the weight of the cares of this world and unworthy people. People with personal agendas and doctrines. The spiritual weight is due to lack of discipline in prayer and devotion to me, which is what will build your faith. Just as a body builder builds muscle, you must build faith. It will take action as faith without action is dead. Build your house on solid ground so you will stand when trials and tribulations come says The Lord. I am giving you a spiritual face lift, removing the old, and making room for the new – from the inside out. Level up says the Lord. You can not serve fresh manna without receiving fresh revelation, and you can not receive the new wine with out a new wineskin. Level up you have the power and anointing to reach higher heights in Me says the Spirit of the Living God.
The Wave of My Hand
The Wave of My Hand
March 25, 2021
There is another wave coming. My Spirit is being released in measures not ascertained. Just as in past movements this one will be with much more power, anointing, and authority to the believers. I will rush in and rush out. I will rush in and linger but, only those sensitive to Me will be able to discern it only those sensitive and open to receive it will be aware of it. Only those sensitive and submitted and yielded will be able to operate in it. This is that- what I spoke through Joel and Peter. Just as I will be releasing this new fresh brand-new flow, watch how the enemy attempts to combat it with a release of his own schemes and devices. Keep your eyes on Me so you will know; watch and be ready says The Lord. Watch and be aware says God. Watch and receive that which is coming says The Spirit of The Living God. Watch for the fake and the counterfeit. Discern, perceive, know the difference. The real will only be by My Spirit says the Lord!
Where are you!?
Where are you!?
March 11, 2021
Where are you!?
Friendships and relationships will only disappoint you My child, I come to give you life, eternal life, life more abundantly.
Where are you says The Lord!?
Return to the call of God on your life. Where is your passion the desire you first had when I saved you and met you? The inner hunger to know Me, to search My inner parts. What happened to you? Where are you says God? You moved, you shifted, and you are far from Me says the Lord. I call you, and you do not answer; you don't even hear Me. I nudge you, and you do not respond; you don't even sense me. I release my presence, and oil, and you don't even know it.
Get back in position says The Lord!
Move with Me says God. Follow Me my child, let Me mold you, and shape you, impart My nature so you can finish the race.
I have started the work in you, let Me complete it says The SPIRIT of The Living God.
Double For Your Trouble...
Double For Your Trouble...
February 21, 2021
Double, Double
I will give you double for your trouble. The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but I come so that you may have life and life more abundantly. Come unto me all who are heavy laden and burdened and I will give you rest. Place your cares upon me because I care for you let not your heart be trouble, believe in Me, and I will give you rest. Lean not on your own understanding. In My Father’s house are many mansions, if it were not so I would have not told you so. I will come for you, seek me while I may be found - I give you My peace, I give you My rest, I give you My love. Abide in Me and I will abide in you says The Spirit of The Living God.
Double double, double blessings, double portion, double anointing, and double increase says The Lord! Double for your trouble!
Isaiah 61: 7
Because you received a double dose of shame and dishonor, you will inherit a double portion of endless joy and everlasting bliss!
Then The Lord reminded me of the Dream I had on 12/10/2020:
I Saw an angel releasing pouring out blessings, gifts, flowers (fragrance), oil, anointing's, provision, power, etc. they are being poured out like rain coming down – first like dew, then small rain like a steady drizzle or a soaking rain, and then rain showers, the former and latter rain coming down together. Joel 2: 23. God said this is that!
Receive it, Do you not believe it!
In 2 Kings Chapter 2 Elisha too had to eventually let Elijah go to receive the double portion. We must release that which we cherish (family, jobs, careers, relationships, ministries, finances, etc.) to let God return to us 100-fold, double for our trouble. Amen!
"Do Not Defile God's Temple...
"Do Not Defile God's Temple...
February 18, 2021
1 Cor 3: 17
If any man defiles the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are. KJV
Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks, out of the overflow of your soul. Guard your gates – your eye gate, and your ear gate. Watch the seeds that you are sowing.
Once a seed is planted it must grow, and if it is fed, it will produce after its own kind.
Produce the fruit of righteousness you must sow righteous fruit of the spirit.
Test every spirit to determine if it is of God. If the spirit will not confess Jesus is Lord, then that spirit is not come from God. Free yourself of every dead weight every hindrance to produce the fruit of righteousness when you do so you will produce the fruit of the spirit, my spirit, and holiness, my holiness, and my glory will rest upon you.
God is requiring spiritual growth. We must abide in Him, allowing Him to prune and discipline us, so we do not defile His temple – that would be you, that would be me.
We must yield and abide in Him daily.
Romans 6: 12-14
12 Sin is a dethroned monarch; so, you must no longer give it an opportunity to rule over your life, controlling how you live and compelling you to obey its desires and cravings. 13 So then, refuse to answer its call to surrender your body as a tool for wickedness. Instead, passionately answer God’s call to keep yielding your body to him as one who has now experienced resurrection life! You live now for his pleasure, ready to be used for his noble purpose. 14 Remember this: sin will not conquer you, for God already has! You are not governed by law but governed by the reign of the grace of God. TPT
Philippians 1: 9-11
9 I continue to pray for your love to grow and increase beyond measure, bringing you into the rich revelation of spiritual insight in all things.
10 This will enable you to choose the most excellent way of all[l]—becoming pure and without offense until the unveiling of Christ. 11 And you will be filled completely with the fruits of righteousness that are found in Jesus, the Anointed One—bringing great praise and glory to God! TPT
"Rest In Me..."
"Rest In Me..."
January 12, 2021
The Lord said, "you have entered into the land of milk and honey. Do not look to the right or look to the left but look to me as I am The Author and Finisher of your faith. I have set the captives free, and who the Son sets free is free indeed. I am not in the chaos or mayhem, but I am in the peace, the peace that you find in your heart the peace that surpasses all understanding (your mind). None of it will make sense in the nature so you must see, believe and take hold of what I am doing in the spirit. Trust Me, know that it is I who have come to set you free and give you all you need as you enter into your rest in Me says The Spirit of The Living God."
The Promised Land to the Israelites was described as a land flowing with milk and honey, a sign of the abundance, ease, and prosperity to be found there. "Then He said, "I Am The God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob."
A land flowing with milk and honey is a metaphor for the good life. From the time the Israelites left Egypt, several times God spoke a specific, abundant and beautiful blessing on them. He promised them a land flowing with milk and honey. The promised land was Canaan located between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River. Exodus 3: 8
The Land flowing with milk and honey is found in the Bible 20 times.
Milk signifies or symbolizes mother, it is deeply connected with life itself. Fluid of eternal life. Honey symbolizes good health, both considered high energy foods.
I asked The Lord, how can this be with all that is going on? "He said do not be concerned, I am with you!"
2020 Word of The Lord
2020 Word of The Lord
"The Global Reset Continues..."
"The Global Reset Continues..."
December 3, 2020
In 2019 The Global Reset started!
We Entered a New Era in 2020…as evidenced by the Covid-19 Pandemic where millions of people were affected, and thousands have been affected and many have died. Matthew 24: 7
January 2021 Word of The Lord is the year of Recovery, Restoration and Restitution.
God is testing the hearts and the faith of people. Shaken the world globally, causing a global awakening; everything that can be shaken will be and was shaken. Hebrew 12: 25-29.
A testing of our faith, where is your faith, in your money, in the world systems, politics, religion, etc., will surely prove how weak or strong you are. Many will return to God, and many will leave the faith…Matthew 24: 10. Which is some of the signs of the Second Coming of Jesus.
•A separation of the wolves from the sheep. Matthew 25: 31
•A shaken of pulpits – 1 Peter 4: 17
•An alignment of the church and Body of Christ with The Word of God. 2 Corinthians 6:13-18.
The Church is arising, The Body of Christ is beginning to take Her position in holiness, power, and authority.
In this new era, we TRANSITIONED and ENTERED a New Place in the Spirit and on God’s Timeclock.
Just like Joshua had to take on the power, authority and anointing of Moses, the church is commissioned to do the same. God is Expanding our hearts and spirits to receive more of Him. In this new place will be provision for the vision, protection for the victory, and prosperity for the spoils!
In this NEW PLACE it will require us to TRUST God and BELIEVE that He is the author and finisher of our faith.
Any time you are going to a new level - there will be resistance. When Joshua entered the Promised Land, there was resistance and there were giants that met them when they went into the Promised Land. If you're going into your Promised Land (your purpose, your destiny, what God has for you), and you're not having any pushback or resistance (no giants in the land), then you're not going in the right direction. Some of the giants may be loss of a loved one to Covid-19, finances, business, etc. There will be Jericho’s to take, so there will be battles, but it is going to be exciting. When you're going the way the Lord has for you, there is that surety inside of you most of the time that, “Wow, this is what I am made for. I was created to do this.” Your spirit will bear witness with the changes that are occurring, and will eagerly submit and receive it!
"2021 Year of Restoration..."
"2021 Year of Restoration..."
November 30, 2020
2021 The Year of RESTORATION (Recovery and Restitution).
The realignment has begun, all key players and pieces are in place. I am pouring out My Spirit on all flesh this is the fulfillment and manifestation of Joel 2. This outpouring is to embark on the revival that My people are crying out for and need in order to find their place in the puzzle of My Plan.
Nation will rise against nation during this season like never before. Kingdom against kingdom.
Soviet Union will invade the middle east to force their will and overturn the status quo with a coup - Daniel (i saw the statue image in book of Daniel) Iran, Turkey, and Israel will be at war the Ezekiel 37-38 war is developing and is rising on the horizon.
I see foot soldiers China marching on the land - hidden behind it is the old Nazi regimen i saw their emblem – the swastika.
I see rockets falling like rain.
The reset had to happen in order to shift the players, and even the atmosphere for these events to unfold.
The election, pandemic, protest all a part of my divine reset to separate the army of the lord to promote my generals and assign the foot soldiers to empower my true church. To separate the real from the disdain. To release my gifts unto men. I see the valley of dry bones becoming the true Army of The Lord. Iron curtain?? Just as i caused it to come down i will cause the wall that separates My church to come down so the world will see the true manifestation of the sons of god. We must be equipped we must not break rank we must know our assignment. If you miss your day of visitation you will not move in step with Me and My Army says God.
Accept My generals who I have sent to adjustment and align you says the Lord so you will not miss your day of visitation says The Spirit of The Living God.
"Be Watchful..."
"Be Watchful..."
October 16, 2020
Beware, beware, beware of false prophets in the land who come in sheep's clothing. Looking to see who they may devour. The enemy comes while you are sleeping, not paying attention and vulnerable and unaware when you least expect him. He is sly, and slick. Intentional in his attack. Don't be fooled by his schemes, strategies or devices but be watchful and alert. He invades your thoughts and minds with doubt and unbelief in order to release a seed that will take Root to make you think it is you. So you feel ashamed and guilty. Acknowledge him it immediately casting that imagination down, rejecting it and he will flee!
He comes where you are weak so build up your walls. And be watchful be diligent be relentless in holding on to your faith in who you are and what you believe.
You must be cleansed by The Blood of The Lamb. In order to be vessels of honor fit for the Master's use.
Everybody has an agenda. Satan’s agenda is to take as many of God’s children to hell with him.
We must be watchful - 5 Foolish and the 5 Wise Bridesmaids, see Matthew 25.
"Lying Prophets..."
"Lying Prophets..."
September 30, 2020
Do not manufacture a word.
Its serious business saying “I” said something when “I” did not say it.
Speak when “I” speak nothing fabricated or created by you.
You prophecy a lie.
My Word is true My Word is pure My Word is Holy and it will do what I set it out to do. It will come to pass because I Am God.
In days of old a prophet was dismissed fired and killed for tainting and mixing My Word. Today in this day of grace – judgement will come but first I will shut up the heavens over you and remove My presence grace and favor.
Hear ME clearly do not speak a word that I did not say misleading my people for your own vain glory you will be rebuked and punished for you prophecy out of your flesh says The True and Living God.
"Warning to My Prophets..."
"Warning to My Prophets..."
August 31, 2020
Woe, woe, woe to false prophets! I did not tell you to say anything! You cannot put words in My mouth, so sit down and shut up!
If you cannot perform it – do not say it says God!
They are lying spirits.
You must know Me – to know My Voice.
You must know Me – to walk with Me.
I call you by name if you are mine then I choose and work through you.
I am your maker – I call the shots.
Stop putting My name on it and in—it if I did not say it!
Those I call – I qualify those I call – I speak to and through – those I call I stamp seal and approve says God.
My prophets – I control!
No wavering or procrastination just intimacy and sacrifice say’s The Spirit of The Living God.